Packt’s celebrates 10 years with a special $10 offer

Packt Publishing celebrates their 10th anniversary this month. To celebrate this milestone Packt is offering all of its eBooks and Videos at just $10 each for 10 days starting from June 26th.
During this 10 year Packt has published over 2000 titles and donated $400.000 to the open source community through its Open Source Project Royalty Scheme.

Dave Maclean, Managing Director explains ‘From our very first book published back in 2004, we’ve always focused on giving IT professionals the actionable knowledge they need to get the job done. As we look forward to the next 10 years, everything we do here at Packt will focus on helping those IT professionals, and the wider world, put software to work in innovative new ways.

We’re very excited to take our customers on this new journey with us, and we would like to thank them for coming this far with this special 10-day celebration, when we’ll be opening up our comprehensive range of titles for $10 each.

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Packt Publishing celebrates their 2000th book

Today Packt Publishing celebrates their 2000th title “Learning Dart” with a huge discount offer this week: Buy One, Get One Free. For every eBook you buy you will get one for free! This offer is valid for all eBooks. Bit hurry, the offer is valid from 18 March 2014 until 26 March 2014.

Just have a look at the top selling books from Packt’s catalogue:

My personal selection for this offer is:


Packt’s $5 eBook Bonanza is back!

Packt Publishing just informed me today that, like last year, they have a spectacular sale on eBooks this December 2013 !

From December 19th, customers will be able to get any eBook or Video from Packt for just $5. This sale covers every title in the 1700+ range and customers can grab as many as they like until January 3rd 2014 – more information is available at This offer covers a myriad of titles in the 1700+ range where customers will be able to grab as many as they like until January 3rd 2014 

$5 ebook Bonanza1

May I recommend the following books, which I`ve reviewed on this blog;

jQuery for Designers Beginner’s Guide review

You are now reading my review of the recently published book “jQuery for Designers: Beginner’s Guide published” by Packt Publishing.

What`s the book about?

jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes daily routines in JavaScript easier.

jQuery is provided under the MIT and GPL licenses.

At the moment of writing this review, version 1.7.2 is the latest jQuery version available.

About the reviewer

I’m Ramon van Belzen (Ramoonus), a 24 year old web designer from Vlissingen, the Netherlands. I’m surfing the web since 1997 and I`ve been programming HTML since 1998. I currently run over 15 websites, most of them as webmaster and web designer. Nowadays I use web technologies like HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript PHP/MySQL and a bit of jQuery.

I have no serious experience with jQuery and haven`t read books about jQuery in the past. Therefore my jQuery experience is  almost none.

Packt Publishing offered me the chance to review this book, and since I haven`t received books for more than a year I accepted it.

Who is this book written for?

This book is written for web designers with knowledge of HTML and CSS. Basic knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery are useful but not required.

To use this book you will need an actual version of a browser and an IDE. Up-to-date browsers like Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome 10+ and Firefox 4+ should be fine.

Free IDE`s like Aptana and NetBeans shouldn’t give problems either.

What can you expect from the book?

The book promises to tell you:

  • Enhance the user experience of your site by adding useful jQuery features
  • Learn the basics of adding impressive jQuery effects and animations even if you’ve never written a line of JavaScript
  • Easy step-by-step approach shows you everything you need to know to get started improving your website with jQuery

And teaches you:

  • Download and include the jQuery library on your website
  • Build browsable photo galleries and animated slideshows, along with carousels and sliders
  • Create tabbed interfaces in a few lines of code without a plugin
  • Include custom scrollbars that fit the design of your site but are still easy for your site visitors to use
  • Use AJAX to only load up the changing content area rather than the whole page
  • Enhance the navigation on your site by using animations and custom tooltips
  • Enhance web forms to make them easier for your site visitor to use

The preface covers the chapters content and conventions used. And the chapters content.

The first chapter explains the installation and power of jQuery along with the necessary basics of JavaScript and jQuery.

Next chapter teaches a basic implementation of jQuery with CSS selectors and Javascript functions. The example in the book shows how to write code to open a link in an external window. Later on you will learn how to add pictures and tabs.

Chapter three explains how to hide and show elements, along with the use of animations. The result of this chapter is a fancy FAQ page.

Building Custom Scrollbars is the title of chapter four. In this example a third-party jQuery plugin is used. By the end of the chapter you will have a fully styled scrolling block with mouse wheel support and animations.

Tooltips with qTip are described in chapter five. Tooltips can be used to explain abbreviates or add images to text. Following the installation of qTip is the styling of the tooltip, practical implementations for items like a menu and ending the chapter with adding images to a tooltip.

Building an Interactive Navigation Menu is the title of chapter six. This chapter uses Superfish to create a horizontal or vertical drop-down menu. All functions of this jQuery plugin are explained as well as styling and animating the menu.

Chapter 7 teaches jQuery and AJAX to set up an asynchronous website. The first examples include replacing the page`s content with AJAX by using the menu. Next example contains jQuery BBQ. Also custom AJAX loading images are added to the examples.

Creating a Lightbox is chapter eight`s content. This example uses the Colorbox plugin. This chapter also begins with the installation, configuration and styling of the plugin. At the beginning a photoalbum lightbox is created, followed by a Lightbox login system and ending with  a video in a lightbox.

Slideshows and sliders are described in chapter nine. The instructions explains several slider plugins including CrossSlide, Nivo Slider and Galleriffic. The chapter begins with a simple animated slider. Second paragraph explains the usage of Nivo Slider, starting with the installation and ending with the configuration. The same counts for Galleriffic and the chapter ends with CrossSlide.

Chapter ten goes on about sliders, instead of using images in sliders you will learn how to add content. Examples in this chapter use jCarousel to develop your ideal slider.

Creating an interactive DataGrid is chapter ten`s title. As expected – this chapter explains how to create a fully-featured datagrid using jQuery and jQuery UI.

Chapter twelve is the biggest one of the book. Starting the chapter is the use of HTML5 to improve forms. Following this is CSS styling of specific (HTML5) form elements. After this the first bits of jQuery  show up; from setting focus and placeholders to validating. The end of the chapter focusses on using the jQuery plugin Uniform to improve the styling of forms.

My Conclusion

The book`s promises (see paragraph What can you expect from the book? ) are correct. The book covers everything the cover and introduction said it will tell you.

I had no problems reproducing the examples or modifying these for my own projects. The jQuery version and plugins in the book are actual and up-to-date.

Images are sharp and the eBook featured colour images.

After reading this book I learned a lot to put jQuery into practise on every day sites and jobs.

This book is not written for those who want to develop their own jQuery plugins but instead its written for web designers who would like to know how to implement every day features on their site.

For more information about the book or to read a sample chapter, visit the page jQuery for Designers: Beginner’s Guide or leave a comment on my website`s review.

Other jQuery Books by Packt Publishing

Book Details

Language : English

Paperback : 332 pages [ 235mm x 191mm ]

Release Date : April 2012

ISBN : 1849516707

ISBN 13 : 9781849516709

Author(s) : Natalie MacLees

Topics and Technologies : All Books, Beginner’s Guides, jQuery, Open Source, Web Development