How-To Run Data Crow Server

First create a database location, by creating an empty folder in the filesystem, for example C:\DCdatabase\

Download and unzip the server package. for example in C:\

In dos, run:

C:\dc-server>datacrow-server64bit.exe -userdir:"C:\DCdatabase\" -webserverport:80

You can now login onto your local server on

Username: SA
Password: (blank)

The full manual can be found at

jQuery Updater 3.0 for WordPress

Today I`ve finished laying the engine foundation for jQuery Updater for WordPress 3.0
The release of jQuery 3.0.0 alpha 1 triggered me to swap from 2.1.4-beta to 3.0.0-alpha but I`m happy with it. The plugin`s engine got completely rewritten and includes some code that I used to maintain seperatly as a plugin; jQuery Mobile, but also includes jQuery UI and QUnit.

The source can be found at 

The final release, will be done after several public alpha`s and beta`s which include an administration panel.