In this three post series I will reveal my white Kor deck.
Previous parts:
Which cards are Kor?
As announced today, 20June 2011 the following two cards are banned from standard:
The rule will be effective from 1 July 2011.
For me it has a plus and a downside:
Since there is no update for Yahoo`s YUI Graded Browser Support in Q2 I`ve made my own list:
Two days ago I recieved a bugreport on one of the WordPress plugins I`ve made lately.
This bugreport only said things weren`t working in a certain environment. which environment was for me to guess.
That reminded me of SEERS which I read about.
SEERS stands for:
I will be constructing a simple bugreporting form on my site shortly.
What`s the book about?
As the title suggest this book is about professional Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for high traffic websites (10.000+ visitors/day). This book guides you through the development process of optimizing codes for improved speed and how to handle large style sheets and interact with other teams and team members to work more effective.
As a webmaster/webdesigner I`m giving a chance to review this book by Apress.
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