Comparison of Raspberry Pi Operating Systems

For the Raspberry Pi (version 1 and 2) there are multiple operating systems available. Downloads of each operating system can be found at


Raspbian is the preffered Raspberry Pi operating system and mostly used by others. It`s based on Debian and features official firmware and tools.

I recommend Raspbian

Snappy Ubuntu Core

Snappy Ubuntu Core is a relatively new operating system. It`s based on Ubuntu Linux but with extra features. This might be the next big thing!


OpenElec is the prefferd operating system when you want to turn your raspberry pi in a HTPC with XMBC software.


Pidora is Fedora Linux for the Raspberry Pi. It`s a bit different from Raspbian and really interesting if you are familiar with Fedora/Red Hat Linux.

Risc OS

RISC OS is unlike the other distributions. More information about RISC OS for the Raspberry Pi. I have no idea why you would run this operating system.

How-To Fedora 20 LAMP installation

This short guide demonstrates how to setup Fedora 20 as a LAMP server containing Apache, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby and MySQL.

You have to use the shell and be able to use the machine as  root.

Start the terminal and run:

sudo yum install -y httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-magickwand php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mssql php-shout php-snmp php-soap php-tidy php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-mhash curl perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 php-pecl-apc mysql mysql-server phpmyadmin ruby mod_python perl mod_perl perl-HTML-Parser perl-DBI perl-Net-DNS perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Archive-Tar

Second step is to enable the Apache Webserver and MySQL Database server;

sudo systemctl enable httpd.service sudo systemctl start httpd.service sudo systemctl enable mysqld.service sudo systemctl start mysqld.service sudo mysql_secure_installation

How-To Fedora Linux LAMP installation

This short guide demonstrates how to setup Fedora 18 as a LAMP server containing Apache, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby and MySQL.

You have to use the shell and be able to use the machine as  root.

Start the terminal and run:

sudo yum install -y httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-magickwand php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mssql php-shout php-snmp php-soap php-tidy php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-mhash curl perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 php-pecl-apc mysql mysql-server phpmyadmin ruby mod_python perl mod_perl perl-HTML-Parser perl-DBI perl-Net-DNS perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Archive-Tar

Second step is to enable the Apache Webserver and MySQL Database server;

sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
sudo systemctl enable mysqld.service
sudo systemctl start mysqld.service
sudo mysql_secure_installation