Linux Kernel 3.2 installation guide for Ubuntu Linux


This short walkthrough describes how to get the latest linux kernel version 3.2.0 working under Ubuntu Linux without having to compile it yourself.

This tutorial should work with the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (10.04 LTS, 11.04 and 11.10) and most distributions based on these versions of Ubuntu Linux including Mint.

The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic ubuntu configuration.

Note: ATI, Intel and NVIDIA drivers are automatically installed using DKMS, if you have these installed and up-to-date.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the kernel headers package;

  2. And the appropriate package for your system
  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel;
  4. Install the files in the same order (else it won`t work!)
  5. In the terminal run:

    sudo update-grub
  6. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu If it`s not there check all steps (and of course for errors)

The source can be found on

Linux Kernel 3.1 installation guide for Ubuntu Linux


This short walkthrough describes how to get the latest linux kernel version 3.1.0 working under Ubuntu Linux without having to compile it yourself.

This tutorial should work with the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (10.04 LTS, 11.04 and 11.10) and most distributions based on these versions of Ubuntu Linux including Mint.

The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic ubuntu configuration.
Note: ATI, Intel and NVIDIA drivers are automatically installed using DKMS, if you have these installed and up-to-date. Else … don`t blaim me.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the kernel headers package;

  2. And the appropriate package for your system

    AMD64: linux-headers-3.1.0-030100-generic_3.1.0-030100.201110241006_amd64.deb

    I386: linux-headers-3.1.0-030100-generic_3.1.0-030100.201110241006_i386.deb
  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel;

    AMD64: linux-image-3.1.0-030100-generic_3.1.0-030100.201110241006_amd64.deb

    I386: linux-image-3.1.0-030100-generic_3.1.0-030100.201110241006_i386.deb
  4. Install the files in the same order (else it won`t work!)
  5. In the terminal run:

    sudo update-grub
  6. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu

    If it`s not there check all steps (and of course for errors)

The source can be found on

Linux Kernel 3.0 installation guide for Ubuntu Linux


This short walkthrough describes how to get the latest linux kernel version 3.0.0 working under Ubuntu Linux without having to compile it yourself.

This tutorial should work with the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (10.04 LTS, 11.04 and 11.10) and most distributions based on these versions of Ubuntu Linux including Mint.

The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic ubuntu configuration.
Note: ATI, Intel and NVIDIA drivers are automatically installed using DKMS, if you have these installed and up-to-date. Else … don`t blaim me.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the kernel headers package;

  2. And the appropriate package for your system

    AMD64: linux-headers-3.0.0-0300-generic_3.0.0-0300.201107220917_amd64.deb

    I386: linux-headers-3.0.0-0300-generic_3.0.0-0300.201107220917_i386.deb
  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel;

    AMD64: linux-image-3.0.0-0300-generic_3.0.0-0300.201107220917_amd64.deb

    I386: linux-image-3.0.0-0300-generic_3.0.0-0300.201107220917_i386.deb
  4. Install the files in the same order (else it won`t work!)
  5. In the terminal run:

    sudo update-grub
  6. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu

    If it`s not there check all steps (and of course for errors)

The source can be found on

Linux Kernel 3.0.0 release candidate 1 installation guide for Ubuntu Linux


This short walkthrough describes how to get the latest linux kernel working under Ubuntu Linux without having to compile it yourself.

This tutorial should work with the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (10.04 LTS, 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10) and most distributions based on these versions of Ubuntu Linux like Mint.

The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic ubuntu configuration.
Note: ATI, Intel and NVIDIA drivers are automatically installed using DKMS, if you have these installed and up-to-date. Else … don`t blaim me.

For a difference, this guide is only for the AMD64 platform.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the kernel headers package;

  2. And the appropriate package for your system

  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel;

  4. Install the files in the same order (else it won`t work!)
  5. In the terminal run:

    sudo update-grub
  6. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu

    If it`s not there check all steps (and of course for errors)

The source can be found on

How-To setup Fedora Linux 15 as LAMP server


This short guide demonstrates how to setup Fedora 15 as a LAMP server containing Apache, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby and MySQL.

You have to use the shell and be able to use the machine as  root.

yum install httpd
yum install php php-devel php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-eaccelerator php-magickwand php-magpierss php-mapserver php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mhash php-mssql php-shout php-snmp php-soap php-tidy curl curl-devel perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 libxml2-devel
yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server
yum install httpd-devel ruby ruby-devel
yum install mod_python
yum install mod_perl
yum install perl-HTML-Parser perl-DBI perl-Net-DNS perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Archive-Tar
/etc/init.d/httpd restart

Now you have got everything installed except for mod_ruby – so that`s the next step;

cd /tmp
tar zxvf mod_ruby-1.3.0.tar.gz
cd mod_ruby-1.3.0/
./configure.rb --with-apr-includes=/usr/include/apr-1
make install
/etc/init.d/httpd restart

You have to add mod_ruby by hand in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ruby.conf
By adding

LoadModule ruby_module modules/