If you have made a custom post type (CPT) called portfolio and want to convert to Jetpack`s portfolio type, simply run the following SQL command
UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_type` = 'jetpack-portfolio' WHERE `wp_posts`.`post_type` = `portfolio`;
If you have made a custom post type (CPT) called portfolio and want to convert to Jetpack`s portfolio type, simply run the following SQL command
UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_type` = 'jetpack-portfolio' WHERE `wp_posts`.`post_type` = `portfolio`;
In februari this year WordPress.org allowed plugin developers to tag plugins with Adopt-Me.
In the next few weeks I will update all my plugins and offer some for adoption.
If you would like to adopt one or more of my WordPress plugins, use the contact form to contact me.
If you want to protect a custom post type (CPT) in WordPress to be only available to logged-in users or make sure they login.
function some_func( $query ){
if ( is_post_type_archive('nieuwsbrief') && !is_user_logged_in() ) {
// Do stuff
wp_redirect('/wp-login.php'); }
Today I`ve started working on my jQuery Updater for WordPress plugin.
First step was linking Subversion and Git, which was a hell
The second step is deciding the workflow: tools and rules. I decided to skip Grunt and Vagrant for now, since the code isn`t going to be rocket science.
I use phpDoc for documenting the PHP code and GitHub as project management (issues, milestones).
This setup will do fine for now!
Making a roadmap, with issues, features and prioritising all that I want before I start working and losing grip on the project.
Starting with cleaning up code followed by creating space for new features. Leaving the hardest bits for the last. Although this isn`t ideal it makes future development a whole lot easier.
The project is located on GitHub at github.com/Ramoonus/jQuery-Updater
It`s very easy to update the WP-CLI tools, but its difficult to find how.
Enter the following lines in the terminal to update WP-CLI:
cd ~/.wp-cli
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar require 'wp-cli/wp-cli=@stable'